Day 10 of Eating at Home- Cilantro Lime Crock Pot Chicken Tacos

We are officially 1/3 of the way through out 30 days of eating at home and I am not missing eating out at all! Dinners have been delicious and I have been throwing in some tasty lunches for my self as well. I am also enjoying getting comments from people trying the recipes and loving them. Granted most of these recipes are not my own but they are my twist on them. These recipes come from all over. Books, blogs, passed from a friend…. I have been compiling recipes and putting them in what I like to call “Mom’s Cookbook.” It really is just a 3 ring binder with printed recipes so they are easy to access when I am cooking. A lot of them I know by heart now but I like to have them as reference. I cook like my mom did. I tend to change things according to what me and my family like, not measure unless necessary, and taste test and add as I go. I am trying to tell you exactly what I do so you can recreate these recipes and of course change them to suit you and your family. Thank you so much to everyone that is reading! I love reading your comment, seeing a new “like” or “follow” on my blog, and LOVE hearing how you liked a recipe I posted. As always I am looking for more things to try so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me your recipes or links to recipes so I can try them and share them with the rest of you! Now on with the recipe!!

This is pretty easy too and can be served on rice, in enchiladas, or my fave way in TACOS!

Here is what you need

  • 3-4 chicken breasts
  • 1-2 jalapeños
  • 1/4 chopped cilantro
  • 1-2 limes
  • 24 oz jar of salsa
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning or 2 tbsp if you buy in bulk or make your self


Chop up your cilantro. I know it says 1/4 cup but cilantro has a really stung flavor and I only put in about half of that. If you love cilantro then add the full 1/4 cup.

Depending on how spicy you like it chop up 1-2 jalapeños. I did one but sometimes I do 2. Just depends on the mood.

Put the cilantro, jalapeños, salsa, taco seasoning, and juice of 1-2 limes (I did 1 1/2) in a bowl.

Mix it all up and then put enough to coat the bottom in the crock pot.

Put your chicken in.

Then cover with the mixture.

Cover and cook this on LOW for 6 hours.

When it is done take the chicken out and shred it with two forks. Put the chicken in a separate bowl of container.

Now you want to spoon the sauce over the chicken and stir. Keep adding sauce till the chicken is completely coated with sauce but not too runny.

You are now ready to eat. Just put the bowl of chicken on the table with all the taco fixings and let the family go to town making their tacos. I like to put minimal fixings on mine because I just love the flavor of this chicken. A little sour cream, some cheese, and a squeeze of lime is all it need. YUMMO!

We didn’t eat till after the game last night and ALL the boys were famished. I was surprised to barely have any chicken left over. This usually has enough left overs for a whole other meal. Maybe next time I will do 4 chicken breast instead of 3. Let me know if you try this and how you liked it.

Thanks for reading!


2 responses »

  1. I’m making this tonight.. let you know tomorrow how well we liked it 🙂

    • It was so juicy and tasty.. this is the only way I’m cooking shredded chicken ever again.. Thanks for sharing this.. 🙂


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